Thursday, November 13, 2008

Say what?!#$%%^^@%$#

So I am at the checkout counter at Harmons...and the check out boy, cash register guy....says looks like you are shopping for Thanksgiving and I said yesseree bob..this Sunday is my thanksgiving day with my family....then he says..oh my family decided were not going to do Thanksgiving anymore or eyes pop out...smoke comes out of my ears and then my eyes spin around quickly and I say huh?@3$#@...he said, yea my siblings and I are all grown up so there is no need to do Thanksgiving anymore. I then say, I didn't even know that was an option in life. That is truly unamerican you know. Their family didn't feel it was necessary to do Thanksgiving any more and besides look at all the money you would save. Well you will definately save money by not having Thanksgiving, but that doesn't mean you don't have a special dinner one with prayer filled with all those tender feelings for family and friends and blessings you have received. I don't get was more then my body, mind and spirit could comprehend. How can you not have Thanksgiving....and then no christmas...I grabbed my groceries and ran....tooooo much for me....I hope that my family remember to thank our Father in Heaven for all that they have...please tell me you are thank full for your abundance of family and friends. May all of you know how my cup runneth over for my family and my life would be so less without each one of you. I am truly blessed for all that I have with each one of you. With waterfilled eyes and swallowing hard, my heart pounding I am so grateful for each of you and each one of my grandchildren....if you weren't my own and I met you I would definately have wanted each one of you for my own. I know a lot for some of you...but its how I feel and it feels good to share it. So here's to lots of Thanksgiving's and Christmas's together and apart. I love you....Mom

Monday, November 3, 2008

I am probably writing this in vain..but who knows maybe someone will look just to see if there is anything new to see or read. It is November already and I love this time of season. It comforts me, brings a smile and happiness to my heart. I love the smell of autumn and the look of the skies, kind of a moody, dramatic, inward feeling. But I like it. Autumn to me always feel homey. You know like crawling up in a big warm blanket in your favorite room in the house and doing your favorite things. Looking out the window and watching the leaves blow all over the yard and everyone elses yard for the matter. I still love how that makes me feel. It is the one time of the year that I truly enjoy cooking. ....mmmm actually I truly love thinking about cooking...Thinking being the key word. I have read the blogs on how everyone feels about Halloween....I think Halloween is a fun holiday..I think its fun to dress up in something you find enchanting, funny, scarry, etc. and just have a fun time....I thought it was fun to go to peoples houses and trick or treat all dressed up. I liked the responses you receive from different adults. They were usually positive..oh sometimes you would get someone who acted like they were appalled at the very act of you coming to their door...but that is life...we need diversity...its what we are all about. Just think how boring life would be if everyone was just alike. I hope that Halloween was safe for everyone and I loved all the costumes. I loved all the fun pumpkins and I love the tradition of our Halloweens...I hope this finds everyone well and enjoying what their journeys are offering them. Love you, Mom