Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am so grateful for those "still quiet moments"

I was so excited to go to my religion class today. I look forward to it every week for it has become such a highlight in my life right now. I truly love going. When they began the class they informed us that the teacher had fallen a couple of weeks ago and hit his head. He seemed to be doing alright but this morning was rushed into surgery because he had a detached retna (sp?). Bro Christensen has made a place in my heart that I will treasure throughout all eternity. I enjoy his personality and I enjoy his gift of teaching with the spirit and the fun and joy he adds to my learning. I was dissappointed to say the least, I wanted so much to partake of his spirit and knowledge but I got in my little Crown Vic and headed out to come home. As I was coming home there was that moment when I felt the tenderness of the spirit give me what I always received in his class and that was comfort and love. I am so grateful to know how Heavenly Father is so aware of each of us and blesses us with tenderness when there is a need. I was filled up and was so grateful for that still quiet moment when I had exactly what I wanted and needed. I pray that when you are in need that you will have a still quiet moment that will bless you, comfort you and lift you. Love, Mom

1 comment:

Becky said...

I need to add him to my prayers! Bless his heart...he is truly amazing- I agree!