Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Goals for 2009

Happy New Year!!!!Let's hope that 2009 turns out to be a wonderful and peaceful year, cross your fingers, knock on wood and don't let any black cats walk in front of you. I am in the process of setting some goals for the year. I looked at the goals I set last year and I am proud to say that there was only one I did not fulfill. I am one happy camper. So I debated about putting my goals on the blog and decided to do it. I will post perodically how I am doing and whether or not things are going well or not so well. I concluded that the reason I was successful in accomplishing last year goals was because I wanted to accomplish them. Wanting being the key word in my success. I want to accomplish these goals also so I am hoping that it will be a successful year for me again. So here are my goals:

1. Eat better foods each day

a. eat at least 3 fruits and veg every day

b. drink 4 to 8 glasses of water every day

c. have not more then 2 sugary items per day

2. Exercise

a. go to the pool and do the river walk for 30 to 60 min 3 days a week

b. work out on the bicycle for 20 to 30 min 3 days a week on level 3 or higher

c. lift the 2 to 5 lb weights 10 to 15 min 3 days a week

3. continue to attend the temple every week

4. Keep a spiritual journal at least 4 times a week

5. Take and complete two academic classes this year.


The Gooch Family said...

This is great, Ruby! The blog looks great and way to go on the goals from last year. I don't even know that I can remember what mine were! Maybe I can write some down and post them to see how I'm doing....we'll see

Becky said...

You go girl! Love you!